Guía de mantenimiento del cobre muy importante


Ahora puedes guardar tus limpiadores y otros químicos que puedas necesitar para limpiar otro tipo de fregaderos: en cuanto a un fregadero de cobre, no los necesitarás y déjame decirte por qué; Verá que el cobre es un producto ANTIbacteriano, lo que significa que las pruebas de laboratorio muestran que, cuando se limpia con regularidad, el cobre antimicrobiano mata más del 99,9% de las siguientes bacterias dentro de las 2 horas posteriores a la exposición. Es por eso que solo necesitaría agua y jabón para limpiar el fregadero de cobre, ya que el cobre hará el resto de la limpieza.


  El cobre puede ser más fácil de cuidar que el acero inoxidable y mucho más duradero que los fregaderos de arcilla refractaria, granito, composite y hierro fundido.




(¡Nuestra exclusiva pátina oscura no se dañará si usa ácido o vinagre en ellos! ¡Como otros acabados mostrarán efecto inmediatamente si les deja ácido!)


Ahora, este tipo de productos deberá mantenerlos alejados de su fregadero de cobre, es decir, NO permita que los tipos de ácido ni ningún producto químico permanezcan durante más de 1 día en su fregadero de cobre. Si desea que la pátina de su fregadero no se dañe, asegúrese de no dejar ningún tipo de estos productos dentro de su fregadero durante más de 1 día y ¡se verán tan hermosos como cuando los compró por primera vez!


¡Nuestra exclusiva pátina oscura es muy fuerte y no se desprende fácilmente!


Todos los productos de tipo ácido como vinagre, jugo de limón, naranja, etc., así como los limpiadores que utilice. El uso de productos químicos como este dañará su fregadero si lo deja allí durante más de un día. Si el tipo de ácido o productos químicos entran en contacto con su fregadero, todo lo que realmente tiene que RECORDAR es asegurarse de lavar el fregadero con agua y asegurarse de secarlo. Nuestra exclusiva pátina oscura es mucho más fuerte que la mayoría de las pátinas de otros vendedores y se sujetará perfectamente a cualquier producto de tipo ácido.


Tengamos algo en cuenta Los fregaderos de cobre son muy hermosos y únicos y, por muy hermosos que sean, necesitan un cuidado especial. Si puede brindarlos, ¡tendrá un fregadero de cobre para toda la vida! También encontrará que puede ser un placer vivir con un fregadero de cobre. Fácil mantenimiento, sin preocupaciones, ¡solo belleza y función!


Cuidando sus lavabos y bañeras de cobre


Un grupo único de artículos de lujo, lavabos y bañeras de cobre, son increíblemente fáciles de cuidar. ¡No requieren ningún tratamiento especial y son mucho más fáciles de mantener de lo que te han hecho creer! El lavabo y la bañera de cobre "correctos" no sólo estarán prácticamente libres de mantenimiento... ¡sino que, en esencia, prácticamente se cuidarán solos!




En primer lugar, ¡es útil saber que el cobre en sí es indestructible! Simplemente NO es posible dañar el cobre. Sin embargo, es posible dañar el acabado de pátina. Sólo por esta razón, esto es lo que necesita saber para cuidar y mantener adecuadamente sus lavabos y bañeras de cobre.


¡Buenas noticias!


Si creciste teniendo que limpiar los brillantes fondos de cobre de las ollas y sartenes de tu madre, probablemente creas que el cobre es un elemento que requiere mucho mantenimiento y que necesita ser fregado y pulido constantemente.


Bueno, ¡buenas noticias! Si bien fregar y pulir puede ser cierto para esos fondos de cobre brillantes... ¡ciertamente ese no es el caso cuando se trata de nuestros lavabos y bañeras de cobre!


Este es el por qué...


Mantenimiento del cobre


Nuestros fregaderos de cocina, lavabos de baño, lavabos tipo vasija y bañeras de cobre se completan con un acabado de pátina que se "cocina" en el material, dándoles una apariencia desgastada o "envejecida". Si frotas, pules... o usas algo abrasivo o a base de ácido en tu lavabo o bañera de cobre, dañarás el acabado de pátina.


Por lo tanto, la clave para mantener los lavabos y bañeras de cobre en perfectas condiciones es lo que no se hace. Y lo que no se hace es... fregar... ¡o pulir! ¿Cuan genial es eso?


Esto es lo que haces...

Enjuague el fregadero de cobre de la cocina, el lavabo del baño, el fregadero o la bañera con agua después de cada uso y séquelos. Dale una limpieza a fondo con jabón neutro y un paño suave de vez en cuando... y evita siempre utilizar nada abrasivo sobre él. ¡Eso es todo! ¡¡En realidad!!


¡Con nada más que esta sencilla rutina de "enjuagar y lavar", su lavabo o bañera de cobre le brindarán toda una vida de disfrute!

Áreas de agua dura


Si vive en un área donde el contenido mineral en el agua es alto, es mejor secar el fregadero o la bañera de cobre después de cada uso para evitar manchas antiestéticas.


Cuando se deja reposar el agua "dura", los minerales del agua se acumulan y comienzan a formar depósitos en el fregadero o la bañera. Una vez que eso suceda, será difícil quitarlos e incluso podrían arruinar el acabado de la pátina.


Una capa de cera ligera


Para obtener una capa adicional de protección (especialmente en áreas de "agua dura"), considere aplicar una capa muy ligera de cera al fregadero de cobre de la cocina, del baño, del recipiente o de la bañera.



Una cera de alta calidad, hecha específicamente para accesorios de plomería, protegerá su fregadero y bañera contra la acumulación de depósitos minerales y otros tipos de residuos de agua/jabón. 


Very Important Copper Maintenance Guide

Now You Can Put Away You’re Cleaners And Other Chemicals That You Might Need To Clean Other Type Of Sinks: As For A Copper Sink You Will Not Need Them And Let Me Tell You Why; You See Copper Is An ANTI-Bacterial Product Which Means Laboratory testing shows that, when cleaned regularly, Antimicrobial Copper kills greater than 99.9% of the following bacteria within 2 hours of exposure. That Is Why You Would Only Need Soap And Water To Clean Copper Sink As The Copper Will Do The Rest Of The Cleaning.

 Copper can be easier to care for than stainless steel, much more durable than fireclay, granite, composite and cast iron Sinks.


(Our Exclusive Dark Patina Will not Get Damaged if you Use any Acid or Vinegar on Them! As other Finishes will immidietly show effect if you leave the acid on them!) 

Now These Type Of Products You Will Have To Keep Away From You’re Copper Sink  That is NOT Let The Acid types or any Chemicals stay for more than 1 Day Sitting on Youre Copper Sink. If you want you’re sinks patina Not To Get Damaged Please Make sure You Do Not Let any type of these products Sit inside youre sink For More than 1 day and they will look as beautiful as when you first bought it! 

Our Exclusive Dark Patina Is Very Strong and will not Come off Tha easily!

All Acid Type Products Like Vinegar, Lemon Juice, Orange Etc. As Well As The Cleaners That You Use. Using Chemicals Like This Will Damage You’re Sinks Look If You Leave It Sitting there For more Than One Day. If Acid Type Or Chemicals Get On You’re Sink All you Really Have to REMEMEBR is make sure you wash the sink with water and Make Sure You Dry it clean. Our Exclusisve Dark Patina is way Stronger Than most O fOther Sellers Patinas and will Hold Perfectly to Any Acid Type Produtcs.   

Let’s Keep Something In Mind Copper Sinks Are Very Beautiful And Very Unique and As Beautiful As They are they need Special Care If You Can Provide That Than You Will Have A Copper Sink For A Lifetime! You Will Also Find A Copper Sink Can Be A Joy To Live With. Easy Maintenance, No Worries, Just Beauty And Function!

Caring for Your Copper Sinks and Bathtub

A unique group of luxury items, copper sinks and bathtubs are incredibly easy to care for.  They don't require any special treatment and are much easier to maintain than you’ve been led to believe!  Not only will the 'right' copper sink and bath tub be virtually maintenance free... it will, in essence, practically take care of itself!


First of all, it’s helpful to know that copper itself is indestructible! It’s simply NOT possible to damage copper. It is however, possible to damage the patina finish. For this reason alone, here's what you need to know in the way of properly caring for and maintaining your copper sinks and tub.

Good News!

If you grew up having to clean the shiny copper bottoms on your mother's pots and pans, you probably believe that copper is a high maintenance item, in constant need of scrubbing and polishing. 

Well, great news!  While scrubbing and polishing may be true for those shiny copper bottoms... that's certainly not the case where our copper sinks and copper bathtubs are concerned! 

Here's why...

Maintaining Copper

Our copper kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks, vessel sinks and bath tubs are completed with a patina finish that is ‘fired’ into the material, giving them a weathered or 'aged' appearance.  If you scrub, or polish... or use anything abrasive or acid-based on your copper sink or bathtub, you will damage the patina finish.

So, the key to maintaining copper sinks and bath tubs in perfect condition is all about what you don't do.  And, what you don't do, is... scrub... or polish!  How cool is that?

Here's what you do...
Rinse your copper kitchen sink, bathroom sink, vessel sink or bathtub with water after each use and pat it dry.  Give it a thorough cleaning with mild soap and a soft cloth from time to time... and, always avoid using anything abrasive on it.  That's it!  Really!! 

With nothing more than this simple routine of 'rinse and wash', your copper sink or bath tub will give you lifetimes of enjoyment!

Hard Water Areas

If you live in an area where the mineral content in your water is high, it's best to wipe your copper sink or bathtub dry after each use to prevent unsightly spotting. 

When 'hard' water is left to stand, minerals in the water accumulate and begin to form deposits on your sink or tub.  Once that happens, they'll be difficult to remove and could even ruin the patina finish. 

A Light Wax Coating

For an added layer of protection (especially in 'hard water' areas), consider giving your copper kitchen sink, bathroom sink, vessel sink or bath tub a very light coat of wax. 

A high quality wax, specifically made for plumbing fixtures, will protect your sink and tub against the build up of mineral deposits and other types of water/soap residue.  For those who live in a 'hard water' area, waxing your sink or bath tub is a definite plus.    

How often should you apply a new coat of wax?  As often as needed.  When you notice that water is no longer 'beading up' on the surface of your copper sink or bathtub, it's time to apply another coat. 


Cleaning Your Copper Sink


Copper is naturally antibacterial and more sanitary than all other materials currently used to make kitchen sinks, bathroom sinks and bath tubs.  Recent studies have shown that bacteria can only live for hours on copper, as compared to living for days on stainless steel and, longer still on all other types of kitchen and bath surfaces!  For this reason alone, many hospitals have now begun the process of replacing stainless steel counters and fixtures with those made of copper!


Because it's naturally antibacterial, your copper kitchen sink, bathroom sink or bath tub will do most of the work in keeping itself clean.  All you really have to do is help your sink or tub maintain itself by giving it an occasional cleaning with a very gentle soap.  


To clean... use a soft, non-abrasive cloth, mild soap, warm water and gently wipe the interior and exterior of your copper sink or bathtub.  Rinse thoroughly with clean water and wipe your sink or tub dry with a clean soft cloth.   

Warning!  Housekeepers love to scrub and polish and typically use a variety of abrasive cleaning agents and disinfectants when they clean your kitchen and bathroom.  If they are not informed about the proper care of your copper kitchen sink, bathroom sink or bath tub, they may unknowingly damage the finish. 

Be sure to go over this information with your housekeeper and educate her or him, about the proper way to clean your copper sinks and tub. 

One Final Note

For your copper kitchen sink... All acid based foods and/or food items such as... lemons, tomatoes, mustard, pineapple, vinegar, etc... have the potential to damage the patina finish. To avoid ruining the finish it is best to leave water running while working with products and foods of this nature and remember to thoroughly rinse your sink immediately after use

The 'Right' Copper Sink and Copper Bath Tub

It's important to note that not all copper sinks and bath tubs are made of high quality copper and can, in fact, be a problem to live with.  Be sure to check out the truth about copper and discover the secret to choosing the 'right' copper kitchen sink, bathroom sink, vessel sink and bath tub... ones that will remain beautiful, function perfectly and literally provide lifetimes of use and enjoyment!




Always Wipe Youre Sink After Every Use With A Clean Cloth To Keep It Dry.


Keep Cleaners And All Acid Type Products Away Fron Youre Copper Sink. Do not leave it there for more than one day. 


Always Clean The Sink With Soap And Water And Have Periodically Waxed To Keep Its Shine And Make Sure It Is Always Dry After Every Use.

Following These Simple Rules You Will Have a Copper Sink For A Lifetime!

Copper sinks are the opposite of what you might expect. Believe it or not, they are almost maintenance free. If you like the coloration, you are in luck. Copper sinks will age to a medium coppery brown, and will not turn green as many might expect. Put away the cleaner, you will not need it.

Copper is more sanitary than any other sink product. In fact, it is a natural antibacterial product. Bacteria will not live on copper. Research has shown that bacteria can live for days on stainless steel and only hours on copper. There is much rethinking going on with regard to restaurant sanitation with regard to stainless steel verses copper.

Another virtue is the fact that it will constantly change in appearance. It seems the older it gets, the more attractive it looks. It is a living finish, which adds excitement to any home décor. If you prefer the new copper finish a product called Wrights Copper Cream is a wonderful cleaner. It will bring the sink back to the original “new penny” shine.


Copper is a metal, it is non-porous, and it will not stain in the traditional sense of the word. However, copper will obtain a patina, which is a chemical change that causes the metal to change color. Most of our copper finishes are accelerated patinas. Read the guide below for tips on cleaning and maintaining copper sinks.

Copper is more sanitary than most other basin materials, since copper is a natural antibacterial product. Science has shown that bacteria can live for days on a stainless steel surface, but for only a matter of hours on copper. Copper is non-porous and very resistant.


The way to keep your copper lovely is to keep it clean. For basic cleaning, simply use a mild soap and water. Other cleaners are not necessary.

If you have hard water in your area, we recommend keeping your sink dry by wiping it down periodically with a soft cloth. For extra protection, a product such as “Renaissance Wax” may be applied to the copper surface periodically. This seal will help maintain the luster of a copper sink and provide better water runoff.


Maintenance by Finish:

Black patina, brown patina and aged copper finish: We recommend that you use just soap and water. Be careful with toothpaste and remove the residue in order to avoid the patina from being eaten away. If an acidic product, such as toothpaste, ketchup, lemon, or orange juice removes some of the patina, do not worry - the patina will return over time.


Natural clear copper: We recommend that you use just soap and water. The natural copper sinks will get a naturally medium patina over time and will look even more beautiful. However, if you want the sink’s finish to look like new for longer, you can periodically wax the bowl with Renaissance Wax.


Polished and matte polished copper: These finishes will require the most maintenance and are the only sinks on which copper cleaners may be used to maintain their shiny appearance. We recommend letting these sinks dry after use, or at least once every week, and using a copper cleaner every 6 months to 1 year, depending on use.


Nickel finish: These finishes are not like stainless steel and will gradually patina over time. Most common metal cleaners can be used to brighten the finish periodically. With an unfinished copper you can use a wax or protective sealant to reduce the maintenance required.


Precautions: Do not use corrosives such as chlorine or concentrated vinegar, abrasive cleaners, citric acids like lemon or orange juice, or harsh chemicals. These substances may remove the patina finish of a copper sink. However, if an acidic product removes some of the patina.